Provo Florist is a floral shop in Provo , Utah.
We are a professional full service florist dedicated to providing customer satisfaction.
Services offered by Provo Florist:
Flower Arrangements for Weddings, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Newborns, Graduations, and Funerals
Bonsai Trees
Wedding Floral and Backdrops
Gift and Fruit Baskets
Green and Blooming plants and planter baskets
Same Day Local Delivery for all of Utah County.
- Provo, Orem, American Fork, Highland, Lehi, Alpine, Lindon, Springville, Spanish Fork, Mapleton, Salem, Payson
Teleflora Wire service so you can send flowers anywhere in the world.
To Contact us:
Call Provo Florist
1-800-579-3360 or (801)373-7001 You can phone us an order or you can order on line